Main functionalities

from consultancy to consultancy
functional overview
From consultants to consultants
The system is web-based and can be accessed anywhere there is Internet. It uses the latest innovations in user interface for easier use.
All information can be exported in PDF, Excel, CSV. You can search and filter information. In data tables, it is possible to manage information in columns/data types.
Ability to customize the system based on the customers’ corporate identity. Customizable dashboard and homepage designed to suit their requirements. Different levels of access to dashboards depending on user roles - management, administrative, ministry, etc.
Unlimited possibilities for adding new types of information and functionalities in its management.
- Adding and editing their own business units with adjoining accounting and legal information: Name, Company unit number, address, bank accounts and so on;
- Ability to simultaneously monitor more than one company.
Income and invoices
- Income management and monitoring;
- Issue of invoices with unique numbering for every company and type of document;
- Link between invoices and budgets/projects;
- Invoice maturity dates monitoring;
- Ability to print and export in PDF, DOCX, XLSX;
- Generating a handover protocol to invoice;
- Ability to attach a signed handover protocol to an invoice;
- Set accounting month on a document.
- Manage customer records.
- Ability to add and edit an unlimited number of divisions to the company.
- Ability of separating the operational costs from the administrative costs;
- Managing different types of documents;
- Ability to attach a scanned document to the handover protocol;
- Link between invoices and budgets/projects;
- Set accounting month on a document.
- Contract log;
- Link between contracts, projects, customers/suppliers.
Cash flows
- Generate cash flow for past and future periods based on system documents;
- Link with bank accounts on a daily basis.
Work streams
- Ability to add and edit an unlimited number of streams to the divisions.
- Providers records management.
- Information management for employees;
- Individual profiles. Profile picture;
- “Employee of the month” campaigns;
- Link with customers and projects and historical information on served customers by an employee;
- Hourly rates management.
Business advances and loans
- Management of payments made to employees.